Waiver: Your spoken and/or written questions and comments during the course may be recorded, copied, transcribed, and distributed by Vibrant Aging for Life or Gentle Yoga with Sharon, LLC – DBA The Yoga Groove in perpetuity, and your consent in advance to the use of your image should you appear on a class video is required.
As a participant of the Living WELL with Uncertainty course with Sharon Byrnes of Gentle Yoga with Sharon, LLC, I understand that classes may include physical movements and exertion. I understand that the risk of injury is always present and cannot be eliminated. I accept responsibility for consulting with my physician prior to participating. I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, or damages, known or unknown which I might incur as the result of participating in the “Living WELL with Uncertainty” course. I expressly irrevocably release and waive any claims that I or my heirs have now or in the future for any reason against Gentle Yoga with Sharon, LLC, its owners, presenters, independent contractors, The Yoga Groove, or Vibrant Aging for Life.